The Governing Board of
WP&BC presents
Retirement Income: The Pension Plan of the Future
Recorded on Tuesday, August 24, 2021
The Presentation
Future retirees lack the opportunity to retire with dignity due to the limited access to pension plans and lifetime income products. As 401(k)s are the primary source of savings for millions of Americans, there will be a decisive gap between their long-term needs and their current investment opportunities.
Current initiatives help participants through education and financial wellness yet fall short of providing clear instructions and strategies to turning the 401(k) into consistent, secure retirement income.
Learning objectives:
Join Bonnie Treichel, chief solutions officer of Endeavor Retirement, for a program that will help attendees:
- Identify the goals of the plan and its participants
- Decipher the landscape of retirement income products and providers
- Leverage a framework to review (and document the review of) retirement income solutions
- Develop your business case for retirement income solutions
Our Speaker
Bonnie Treichel, Endeavor Retirement
Bonnie Treichel is the Chief Solutions Officer of Endeavor Retirement, a consulting firm dedicated to solving problems for plan sponsors, advisors and service providers in the retirement plan industry. Having served in each of those roles in her career – a plan sponsor, an ERISA attorney, and an advisor – Bonnie has witnessed many angles of the retirement plan. She puts that experience to work by helping to find solutions for the day-to-day issues that are an inevitable part of running a successful retirement plan.
Bonnie is a frequent speaker on the topic of retirement plan issues at local, regional, and national conferences and is often quoted in industry publications. Bonnie is an American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries (ASPPA) member; she serves as the Chair of the ABCs nationally; as the immediate past President for the ABC of the Great Northwest; and works on various other committees for ASPPA.
Bonnie is also a member of the Women in Pension Network and a member of the State Bar of California. She earned her J.D. from Pepperdine University School of Law, where she graduated with honors and received a certificate from the Palmer Center for Entrepreneurship & the Law. When she isn’t working on retirement plan issues, Bonnie enjoys traveling, spending time with her golden retriever Sunny, running, riding her bike, and volunteering for Make a Wish.
Continuing Education:
- 2 CE for AIF (pending)
- 2 CE for CEBS
- 2 CE for CFP (pending)
- 2 CECs for ERPA
- 2 CECs for JBEA
- 2 CPEs for ASPPA certifications
- 2 CECs for NIPA certifications
- 2 hours for California CPAs
- 1.5 hours of California
- 2 CECs for CRPS
A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors:
