Share Class Wars
The Presentation:
Plan Fiduciaries are obligated under ERISA to act solely in the interest of plan participants and their beneficiaries. Two of the most important and impactful roles of a Plan Fiduciary are the selection and monitoring of investment options and avoiding unnecessary expenses. While Plan Fiduciaries do not have control over market volatility and investment returns, they can take control of their Plan’s investment expenses, through proper selection of share classes so investment returns are not reduced unnecessarily by avoidable fees.
Our panel will discuss:
*Differences between Mutual Funds and Collective Investment Trusts (CITs)
*Factors to consider in evaluating investment option share classes
*Fiduciary concerns when selecting investment option share classes
The Panelists:
Shannon Main,CFP, AIF - Managing Director,Pensionmark -
Art Villar,Vice President, Defined Contribution Consultant,BlackRock
Christopher Donnager, Director,MFS Fund Distributors, Inc.
Marek Pfeil, Pensionmark Financial Group
Continuing Education:
2 CE for AIF Certification
2 CE for ASPPA certifications
2 CEC for NIPA certifications
2 CPE for CEBS
1.75 hours MCLE for California attorneys
2 hours for California CPAs
2 hours for Certified Financial Planners
2 hours for CRPS
2 hour for ERPA and Enrolled Agents